Create Custom Flashcards for StudyCards App with the New ‘ChatGPT Wizard’​: A Step-by-Step Guide

Sergey Nes
Geek Culture
Published in
6 min readMar 29, 2023


Memorization Tips from a Large Language Model (AI)

Welcome to my latest tutorial! In this article, I’ll be sharing some tips and tricks for using a new feature in our app that I’m particularly excited about. While this tutorial was originally created for my company’s blog, I thought it would be valuable to share it with my personal blog readers as well. A technical article about challenges we’ve faced integrating with OpenAI API I will publish next month.

If you’re a language learner or just looking to expand your knowledge in a specific area, creating custom flashcard decks can be a great way to study efficiently. With the new ChatGPT Wizard feature, creating custom decks has never been easier. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the steps to create a custom deck with the assistance from Artificial Intelligence.

Disclaimer: AI may occasionally generate incorrect information, harmful instructions or biased content, also, it has limited knowledge of world and events after 2021

Step 1: Access the ChatGPT Wizard

To access the ChatGPT Wizard, tap the New button on the Home screen. This will open a dialog box with several options for creating a new deck. Select the ChatGPT Wizard option, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1

Step 2: Select Course of Study

After selecting the ChatGPT Wizard option, you will be taken to a new screen where you can access all four available options. These include Vocabulary Enhancer for Books/Movies, School Curriculum Helper, Facts to Know, and Job Interview Q&A. Select one of the options as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2

Each option is a predefined template of prompts, or requests to the AI engine (Language Model). More info about the each of those options can be found at the bottom of this article.

Step 3: Fill Out Deck Parameters

After selecting your course of study, you’ll be taken to a screen where you’ll need to fill out all the parameters for your deck. Most options, like language and the number of flashcards in a new deck, can only be selected. However, for fields such as book name or author name, you’ll need to carefully enter the information to get the desired result. Use the ChatGPT Wizard to fill out all the parameters so that checkmarks appear in the rows of the list instead of arrows, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3

Step 4: Create Your Deck

Once all options are selected, the ‘Create’ button will turn red. However, before tapping the ‘Create’ button, we recommend checking the text prompt that will be sent as a request by tapping the now-enabled button on the top-right of the screen. If the text looks correct, proceed by closing the preview dialog and tapping the ‘Create’ button to send the request to the server. However, if the text prompt doesn’t appear right, we suggest adjusting the options in the wizard to ensure the request is accurate see the Figure 4.

Figure 4

ChatGPT/OpenAI servers often experience high traffic, and also we process the AI response to make it compatible with the StudyCards App, so it may take up to 30 minutes for your generated deck to be ready and downloaded. While you wait, the deck will be displayed on the Home screen with a clock icon, as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5

Step 5: Study Your Deck

Once your deck is ready, you can start studying. Access your deck from the Home screen and begin reviewing the flashcards. If you need to make any changes to your deck, simply press the plus button on to bottom right to go to the embedded deck editor as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6

In conclusion, the ChatGPT Wizard is a powerful tool for creating custom flashcard decks. By following these simple steps, you can easily create a personalized deck that fits your specific learning needs. Happy studying!

Four AI-Powered Courses of Study to Choose From

1Vocabulary Enhancer for Books/Movies: This option is designed to help users prepare for reading a book or watching a movie in a foreign language. It allows users to select a work and provides them with the most common or least common words from that work, along with an example sentence from the work and a translation of the word to their native language. This helps users to improve their vocabulary and better understand the material they are reading or watching.

Example of Prompt and Result

Create a spreadsheet of the 5 least common words in the Book 
'Don Quixote' by 'Miguel de Cervantes',
Spanish nouns, verbs, adjectives only, and one example of usage
from the Book for each word, also a few variants of
English translation.
1. Vocabulary Enhancer for Books/Movies: Table representation of the Deck of Flashcards

2School Curriculum Helper: This option is geared towards elementary and middle school students. It creates flashcards with questions and answers to help students learn and remember important facts from their school curriculum. For example, it might generate 50 facts about ancient history with a focus on Hammurabi’s code for sixth-grade students. This feature can help students prepare for tests and quizzes, as well as reinforce their knowledge of key concepts.

Example of Prompt and Result

A two-column spreadsheet with the are 10 key points I should know 
when studying 'Social Study', focusing on 'Revolutionary War in US',
for the 6th Grade, in the form of question and answer,
in plain English.
2. School Curriculum Helper: Table representation of the Deck of Flashcards

3Facts to Know: This option provides users with a collection of facts in the form of questions and answers. It covers a wide range of topics, from science and history to pop culture and current events (prior to 2022). To get the best results, be creative and ask for specific subjects or narrow your search to a particular topic or area. For example, you could ask about colors and their relation to human vision, or inquire about effective memorization techniques for improving human memory.

Example of Prompt and Result

A two-column spreadsheet with the 10 key points I should know 
when studying 'Human memory', focusing on 'effective memorization
techniques', in the form of question and answer, in plain English.
3. Facts to Know: Table representation of the Deck of Flashcards

4Job Interview Q&A: This option is designed to help users prepare for job interviews by generating a set of questions and answers specific to the job they are applying for. For example, it might create 50 questions and answers for a Software Engineer position with a focus on data structures. This can help users to feel more confident and prepared for their job interview, increasing their chances of success.

Example of Prompt and Result

A two-column spreadsheet of the top 50 most common job interview 
technical questions for the position of 'Software Engineer',
focusing on 'Artificial Intelligence', in the form of question
and answer, generate the only meaningful non-cliche questions,
in plain English.
4. Job Interview Q&A: Table representation of the Deck of Flashcards

Have any questions, suggestions, or issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at feedback @, or right here under this article.



Sergey Nes
Geek Culture

Android and iOS Expert, LLM Applications Enthusiast. Follow me on LinkedIn for insights: